Sabtu, 27 November 2010


Malino Tea Plantation, located about 20 miles from Malino, have many privileges. one of Them That there are tea gardens contain tea and vegetables - vegetables That cans attract the attention of visitors from the town of Malino and outside the city of Malino


In Malino there are also tourist attractions are no less interesting, which is called the Bath Bath Blue Valley is located in the town of Malino.

Pine Trees

pine trees (Pinus merkusi) which is the dominating flora Nature Park Malino and a fairly old age. In addition, there are also other types such as floran acacia (Acasia auriculiformis) jabon (Anthocepthalus cadamba), Banyan (Ficus benjamina), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp), edelweiss (Edelwesy sp), rattan (Calamus sp), ylang (Cananga ordorata) and several kinds of shrubs.

Malino natural beauty, known since the time of Dutch colonial plants also store the Dutch heritage that until now could be found, but quite rare, ie including the edelweiss and the orange tree flowers turi. When blooming, the flowers look beautiful, especially when viewed from the air or distance. Such views are rarely found elsewhere. Hence, also known as the City of Malino in South Sulawesi and development.

Water Fall

Malino Dari Takapala terjun yang terletak di daerah Bulutana, Air Terjun Lembanna sekitar 8 km dari kota Malino, Hutan Wisata Malino yang lebih dikenal sebagai hutan pinus. Sementara di Malino, ada mandi Blue Valley. Atraksi yang tidak pernah sepi oleh pengunjung, terutama pada hari libur.

Dalam taman wisata alam Malino ditemui berbagai jenis fauna seperti burung beo burung (Trichaglossus flavoridis), kera hitam (Macaca maura), biawak (Varanus Salvator), jalak kerbau (Acridatheres sp), raja udang (Halcyon sp), dan burung Gelatik ( Padda oryzofora.)

Senin, 01 November 2010

Flower City

Malino city dubbed as the Flower City because there are many kinds of flowers and plants and the cool town of Malino, so the plants that are there can last a long time. Since the number of flowers that attract visits, so that visitors choose the city of Malino as city tours....